Dismemberment 101

So, having gathered together the component parts for my version of Taskmaster, I began.

His legs, torso and arms were sourced from a Void 1.1 Junker hard plastic miniature, so the legs were clipped from the sprue, cleaned up and glued into the 25mm slotta base. The torso was assembled, tidied up and then glued into place.

Looking at the various depictions of Taskmaster, it would appear he is ambidextrous, but the majority show him as primarily right-handed, so a sword (from a bonus miniature supplied when I ordered a sample for Archon Studios) was snipped from the figure and attached to the hand on his right arm.

Looking at the thigh straps and flat parts on his outer thighs, it was obvious that we needed something there. A weapons pouch from a Wargames Atlantic Eisenkern Stormtrooper sprue (or at least some kind of pouch) was glued to his right thigh, in approved 90’s Rob Liefeld fashion, and the flat part of on his left thigh was filed down, leaving this as just the strap, as I had a cunning plan.

The original appearance of Task master showed him with a coiled rope/whip attached to his left hip and I had something of this ilk left on a sprue of Mantic Forge Father Steel Warriors (Dwarves in Spaaaaace!), so this was added.

The front of a Junker head was trimmed down and the front half of a very old GW plastic skeleton head was added, creating the distinctive skull mask of Taskmaster.

Finally, a GW circular shield (from the same Skeleton Horde boxed set) was attached to his left arm, as although ol’ Taskie has used an energy shield, I prefer the metal one that has the stylised ‘T’ on it.

And this is the result:

The idea is to sculpt the hood over the existing head using either Green Stuff or Milliput, add some fine sand to the base and he should be ready to paint. And that belt buckle is just crying out for the Taskmaster symbol.

And here’s a rear view, which gives a better view of his coiled rope/whip/Lasso of Truth…

I may have to file the back of his head down a bit, just so the hood sits better, but due to the shape of the rear portion of his head, I might get away with just creating the front part and blending it in.

NB: The title of this post is from a speech TM made, suggesting that he was going to use Ant-Man and Yellowjacket as visual aides in the above class he was teaching.

For those of you still on the fence, there is till time to join in this creative madness and I will list the participants in the next post.

Until next time…

10 thoughts on “Dismemberment 101

  1. Nice start mate, but I have to say it looks nothing like “Greg Davies” to me so far! 😁

    If it’s OK I’d like to tentatively chuck my hat into the ring and say I’ll have a go at producing one figure this year, I’m still struggling to get time, but I’ve already missed “Monster Mayhem” so really want to get something done for one of my favourite challenges.

    Cheers Roger.


    • I was tempted to make a similar joke, but wasn’t sure how many of my overseas readers would get the gag.

      Always welcome, Roger, and I cannot wait to see what you come up with. I did consider trying my hand at doing Berk from “The Trap Door,” as I thought that might be an easy sculpt, but supers will always win out over cartoonish blue blobs.


      • Haha, I’ve been tempted to do Berk Boney and Drutt a few times myself, it was a very cool show to be honest. Likewise Captain Caveman, Danger Mouse and Cholton (of the Wheelies), have also flirted with my attention on a few occasions.

        However I’m going far more obscure than any of those again this year….

        Strangely I did pick up Taskmaster from my Heroklix collection while looking for a donner figure today, and I have to say yours is much better than that one already! Hope to have my first post up tomorrow.

        Cheers Roger.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. You put that one together pretty quick and it’s looking great! Looking forward to seeing it painted up. That shield could be pretty tricky to freehand.


  3. L:est there be any confusion, I am 100% in for Forgotten Heroes, and will be forever. Unless I die. In which case, I won’t be.


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