Thinking Outside The (Blue) Box

A quick apology to those who’ve been visiting this site and not found any new content over the last couple of weeks. January always seems to be rather busy for me and I’ve not had much opportunity to indulge myself hobby-wise. On those occasions that I did, things didn’t go quite as planned, so  rather than post for the sake of it, I thought I’d wait until I’d actually got something to post about.

So, the focus of my blog for the next couple of weeks (or possibly months), as you may have guessed from the title, is Doctor Who miniature gaming. As I took advantage of Black Tree Design‘s 30% off sale on their Doctor Who line, I am now the proud owner of the first seven Doctors, as well as the Roger Delgado version of the Master. Then they went and extended the sale…

So, I now have additionally winging their merry way to me a set of seven classic Daleks (including a Special Weapons Dalek), a Cyberleader to join my Games Workshop Cybermen, an Ice Warrior and Aggedor, the Monster of Peladon – because who doesn’t need a big hairy monster with a horn? And for those of you not familiar with this character, here he is:

Image result for aggedor

Ah, bless…

Now, you might be currently thinking to yourself, “Actually, I quite fancy the idea of doing a bit of Doctor Who gaming, but I don’t have any suitable figures or rules…” and this is where the title of this post comes from.

Whilst it’s nice to have every version of the Doctor and all his iconic baddies (and those funky weird ones, like Aggedor), you don’t actually need them to do a bit of Doctor Who-esque gaming.

As far back as 1965, we were introduced to another renegade Time Lord, specifically the character who became know as the Meddling Monk, played by Peter Butterworth. Here was another Time Lord interfering with the course of history who had his own Tardis – on which the Chameleon Circuit actually worked. Then in the 1969 adventure The War Games, we were introduced to another renegade Time Lord, the War Chief. Then in 1971, The Master turned up, followed by the Rani in 1985. Even if you’re a fan purely of the new series, the 2011 episode The Doctor’s Wife introduced us to a character called the Corsair, another renegade Time Lord and friend of the Doctor, who had unfortunately already fallen foul of the entity known as House.

My point is that just because you currently haven’t got a miniature of Jon Pertwee or David Tennant, this doesn’t mean that you haven’t got a figure in your collection that could be a Time Lord.

Take this figure, for example;

This is 0763 Eccentric Individual from Moonraker Miniatures, available from their website for £1.50. A suitable ‘eccentric’ paint job and you’ve now got yourself your very own Time Lord, whose sobriquet you can come up with yourself.

Similarly, as Doctor Who has introduced us to a vast array of alien races, if you have some alien miniatures, or even some of the more weird and wonderful D&D monsters, you’ve got yourself some ‘aliens’.

The other wonderful thing about gaming in the Doctor Who universe is that you have no restrictions on time or place. If you’re primarily a historical gamer, it doesn’t matter which period of history you prefer and collect, you already have the rest of your cast for your Time Lord to interact with. The same applies for pulp, modern or science fiction gamers.

Basically, all you need to game in the Doctor Who universe is a Time Lord, his Tardis (which could be anything, if the Chameleon Circuit is working), an alien threat of some description, a supporting cast of locals and some scenery and terrain. Which is probably stuff you’ve already got.

“Okay, you’ve convinced us,” I hear you cry, “but what rules should we use?”

Well, as Warlord Games official “Doctor Who – Into the Time Vortex” miniature gaming rules have failed to materialise yet (see what I did there?), probably your best bet is the 7TV rules from Crooked Dice, either 1st or 2nd Edition. The profile for the ‘Unearthly Traveller’ from 7TV2 basically IS the Doctor and you can find a profile card to match most, if not all, of the various monsters, aliens, allies and companions that you could want.

Another option would be a copy of the original, unlicenced “Doctor Who Miniatures Game” which was the first published ruleset by Crooked Dice, and was available free to download on the Internet. Obviously, these have now been removed, so you will have to find someone who has a copy lurking on their hard disk and is willing to send them to you. After an extensive search, it would appear my own copy has vanished into the Time Vortex. I blame the Master…

I, of course, will be using my own rules The Way of the Crow, of which the basic rules were introduced back in June of last year (here, here and here). This year will see the completion and collation of these rules, and they will then be available to download from here for FREE!  Previews of the rules in action for gaming Doctor Who will appear on my blog as AARs, so you can get a feel of how they work.

So, during the next couple of months, you will see a variety of Doctor Who figures, both official and seconded, along with some classic and Nu-Who monsters cunningly fashioned from easily available resources and some AARs featuring the above as I fine-tune my rules.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to build a scale model of a quarry…

24 thoughts on “Thinking Outside The (Blue) Box

  1. Looking forward to this series of blog posts Jez, so much! It will also be nice to read one of your AARs too. Once the Way of the Crow is published I intend to use it for a lot of projects.


    • Thanks Andy. I’m feeling quite motivated about this project, but have so many bits planned, it’s difficult to know where to start.
      As I already know which figures I need for the first AAR (yes, there will be more than one), it would seem sensible to start with them.
      However, as I want the scenario and participants to be a surprise, I’ll have to intersperse them amongst the other figures.
      And thank you for your vote of support. Hopefully the rules will live up to your expectations.


  2. Good to have you back Jez, I was starting to get the shakes!;-).

    Really looking forward to this myself (so long as there isn’t too much of that nu-Who nonsense), I have that Dalek patrol pack it’s a cracker, “love me some heavy weapons Dalek action”. I even made myself my own Dr Who proxy using a Denizen Miniatures “Arthur Dent” miniature years ago to represent the (then unseen) ninth Doctor, complete with scratch built TARDIS.

    Best of luck with this project, Cheers Roger.


    • Nice to be back, Roger. There will be Doctors and aliens from almost every incarnation so far, plus a variety of miniatures that I feel ‘fit in’ with the genre, including some ‘Cyclopean Aliens’ that someone kindly sent me. There may also be a few other time travellers turning up…

      I will also be scratch-building a Tardis, as it appears all the companies that used to make resin versions now no longer stock them. This won’t be my first attempt, but as someone liked my first one so much they stole it, it should turn out alright.

      Have you still got your proxy Doctor (Proctor?) And Tardis, as I’d love to see them?


  3. I enjoyed this and will be keeping a close an eye as I can on your doctor who project throughout 2017. Work/study and other ongoing commitments means I shall not be a very active blog commenter from now on (same for the guys as well), but that doesn’t mean we are not following you as closely as time allows Jez.

    I especially like how you point out how easy it is to use your own facsimile doctor (and aliens), as we as setting your adventures where ever and in what ever time you like. Incidentally, I actually have all the Doc Who PDF rule books and manuals you mention. I have them on my external hard drive.


    • Not to worry, Tarot. Your comments are always welcome, so whenever they appear, they will be valued.
      The beauty of Doctor Who gaming is that it can occur in any time and any place, so as long as you have a ‘Doctor’ (or another time traveller of your choice), you can play a game in this universe.
      Regarding the rules, someone kindly provided a link on TMP to the main rules, so I’ve managed to replace them, but would be interested in some of the supplements covering the new series.


  4. keep up the great work bud. I too have the rules and various supplements she mentions (I think I have them all, and if there are any you need, let me know the titles). Am seriously looking into these PDFs as a framework for other (but Doctor Who linked) hybrid ideas, as they are so well written and presented, and they really do shout out to you to kinda… give `em a go, don’t they?

    WotC would work just fine too, funny how those of us who write our own so often end up using our creations over the pro stuff. I like my own and you like your own, and so which is better….? Neither of course: but if I came to your house to play we`d be using yours, and if you came here you’d be using mine. As the hobby should be – and was once upon time. I once played a mini campaign with Don Featherstone (a series of two linked WWII tank battles, if I recall correctly) and we did just that, we each used the rules provided by the host at each respective house; worked a treat actually, especially as it led to some heated (but friendly) debate over a few rule interpretations… but then again, Don always was a bit argumentative over rules hahaha. Bless him.

    I will look forward to seeing what you do with you doctor Jez.


    • Thanks Steve. Whilst every writer’s goal is a generic set of rules that can be applied to any genre, there is something to be said of a set of rules that were specifically designed for a setting or genre. Although I am hoping that WotC will be versatile enough for different genres without tweaking.
      And you knew and gamed with THE Donald Featherstone?! That is so cool!
      As for the plans for my Doctor(s), it might end up as a series of linked AARs, as I keep coming up with cool scenario ideas, at least one of which will take place in a quarry…


  5. don’t stop. While I am not into Doctor Who like you guys are, I am always intrigued to see television programs, series, and films rendered to the game table in this way.


    • Thanks Hil. Whilst the current focus is on Doctor Who, having just watched the first six episodes of Season One of “Penny Dreadful”, I am starting to get a craving for a bit of Victorian horror. Ooooh, I could combine it with my ‘Carry on Screaming’ project, for a truly unique setting – and it would give me an excuse to buy those Victorian adventurers i’ve had my eye on…


      • Wait until you see series 2, and then of course, this will make you want to watch season 3 even more and goodness!! are you in for lots of treats ahead. Your urge to do Victorian horror will be at its zenith by that stage.

        Interestingly perhaps, Victoriana in all its guises, narrative rpg and semi rpg, battle and cameo are all part of our planned endeavours for 2017. The guys are simply wondering if they might not simply add in a Victorian version of the doctor at some point.. probably as part (a member of) the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

        But, more on this later hehe.


        • As I got Season 1 for my birthday (having only seen 6 of the 8 episodes) and Season 2 for Christmas (having only seen Episode 1), I have lots to look forward to. I’m introducing it to a friend of mine, who says that he doesn’t mind the language or the nudity, but thinks the gore should be toned down.
          Whilst not as visceral and less supernatural, the series ‘Murder Rooms’ with Ian Richardson has the same ‘feel’, so if you haven’t seen that, it’s worth a watch.
          And the Doctor can show up anywhere – that’s the beauty of having a time machine. One of my favourite Tom Baker stories ‘The Talons of Weng Chiang’ is set in Victorian times and is pretty good – bar the very unconvincing giant rat.


    • Sorry Michael. Although when it’s 30% off, it works out less than £2 per figure, which is a bit of a bargain.
      Is Tom Baker ‘your’ Doctor, like me?
      And not to worry, there will be some of my typical ‘do-it-yourself’ during this project, so it won’t cost you loads of money…


        • I should be on commission! 😉 Whilst I do enjoy the new series, Tom Baker will remain my favourite. So many good and creepy stories – the Robots of Death scared the crap out of me when I was younger, along with the Horror of Fang Rock and the Stones of Blood. Wonderful stuff.


  6. {{{I think I may last till lunchtime today before I crumple}}}

    lol oh isn’t it easy to crumble. Its got to the stage with some of the things I`m doing at the moment where I almost dare not browse any of my favourite sites for fear of that urge and need to buy everything nice I see hehe.


  7. Great article Jez. Not sure why I didn’t spot it before. I’m certainly looking forward to seeing what you come up with next, and must pop those two ‘Doctor Who’ minis of yours in the post 🙂


    • Thanks Simon. Given the subject matter, I was surprised not to see a comment from you sooner, but just assumed you were busy. And now my ‘hobby=motor’ has been restarted for the new year, and my imagination fired by this current project, there should hopefully be more regular content.


  8. Pingback: “Definitely a Madman with a Box” | Carrion Crow's Buffet

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